Superstar HHH-teacher-actor-writer, Holly Shervey’s latest project...
!! Boasting alert !!
This post is all about us being super proud, and wanting to show off about our superstar HHH-teacher-actor-writer, Holly Shervey’s latest project, the smash Insta-series, Millennial Jenny.
Holly has been teaching with us for 4 years. She’s also currently on Shortland Street, and part of the creative genius and co-star of Auckward Love (find it on TVNZ OnDemand). We love Holly, and know you will too when you watch Millennial Jenny.
It’s a simple concept, but one that’s making big waves; create easily watchable, fast, hilarious, 60-second episodes, and release them as an Instagram series.
If you haven’t seen Millennial Jenny yet... You. Are. Missing. Out! Catch up! (Click here to watch it)
The first series of the show has just concluded - 5 brilliantly funny episodes about Millennial life, written by and co-starring two of our fave Millennials, (HHH teacher) and her fiancé Emmett Skilton, who also directs the show.
Holly plays the lead role, Jenny, the stereotyped over-the-top bubbly, energetic and self-focused Millennial girl, making her way stride by stride and selfie by selfie towards what she really wants (what exactly is that again?)
The genesis for the Insta-series came during Holly and Emmett’s first trip to Hollywood last year, a trip they plan to replicate in 2019.
Holly herself says of Jenny, and the show…
"Millennial Jenny is a show which reflects the unique and absurd values and life expectations of my own generation - Millennials.
The show pokes fun at Millennials in an accessible and enjoyable way as the characters ‘real’ struggles are put in perspective. I myself identify with the characters work frustrations and deep need to make an impact.
The show makes us laugh, it makes our parents laugh, and it makes our grandparents laugh. It's a comedy that all ages can relate to and enjoy." We couldn’t agree more. For an easy, breezy peek into what life is like for Millennials, jump onboard the Millennial Jenny bandwagon. We’re on the bandwagon, strapped in, and excited to see more episodes that are coming in the future!